Blackfeet Tribal Business Council Minutes | Approved May 15, 2024

See the linked PDFs to review minutes from the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council:

April 3, 2024: Special Session

April 4, 2024: General Session

April 10, 2024: Special Session

April 10, 2024: Executive Session

April 17, 2024: Special Session

April 29, 2024: Special Session

Download and view April Minutes

Blackfeet Tribal Business Council Minutes | Approved April 4, 2024

See the linked PDFs to review minutes from the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council:

March 1, 2024: Special Session

March 14, 2024: General Session

March 25, 2024: Special Session

March 27, 2024: Special Session

Download and view March Minutes

Blackfeet Tribal Business Council Minutes | Approved March 14, 2024

See the linked PDFs to review minutes from the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council:

February 1, 2024: Special Session

February 8, 2024: General Session

February 12, 2024: Special Session

February 21, 2024: Special Session

February 22, 2024: Special Session (Informational)

February 27, 2024: Special Session

February 28, 2024: Special Session

Download and view February Minutes

Survey for Public Comment: Community Views on Alcohol Sales on the Blackfeet Reservation

The purpose of this notice is to inform all people who live within the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet Reservation, regarding the amendment of Blackfeet Tribal Ordinance 107. Ordinance 107 is a part of the Blackfeet Law and Order Code, enacted in 1967. The Ordinance will be placed on the Blackfeet Nation’s Website for public view. The goal is to work toward making necessary amendments with the public’s help. This specific Ordinance describes in detail its function regarding “Public Intoxication & Loitering” and all Penalties that are included.

Recently, the Blackfeet Tribe held two (2) separate public meetings, for the purpose of Public comment regarding issues surrounding Blackfeet Tribal Ordinance #73, the Regulation and Control of Liquor, within the boundaries of the Blackfeet Reservation. This is due to concerns from the public, that are being taken into full consideration. These concerns are with regards to public drunkenness and the safety of our children throughout the school day. During this time a survey was created for additional public comment. The purpose is to gain further insight by our community members and hopefully come to a consensus regarding a way to correct an issue that has been longstanding within the community of Browning, on the Blackfeet Reservation.

Again, we are asking for your support by completing a survey so that we can continue to meet the common goal of making our community a safe place for our children and all people. Your views are valued and we hope that you will exercise your right as a community member by completing the survey. The Blackfeet Tribe is appreciative of your time and consideration in regards to ways of making positive change for all people within the boundaries of the Blackfeet Reservation.

We thank you for your time and will continue to work toward making our homelands a safe place for all to be!

Take the Survey

Blackfeet Tribal Business Council Minutes | Approved February 8, 2024

See the linked PDFs to review minutes from the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council:

January 8, 2024: Special Session

January 17, 2024: Special Session

January 18, 2024: General Session

January 19, 2024: General Session (Reconvened)

January 31, 2024: Special Session

Download and view January Minutes

Blackfeet Tribal Business Council Minutes | Approved January 18, 2024

See the linked PDFs to review minutes from the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council:

December 7, 2023: General Session

December 20, 2023: Special Session

Download and view December Minutes

Statement From the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council | January 18, 2024

“The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council has authorized the release of the most up-to-date information regarding land purchases under the Blackfeet Water Settlement. This statement addresses the false and negative propaganda on social media regarding spending and Tribal assets. The individuals posting such information give an inaccurate depiction of Tribal affairs that lack any substance of justice for the sole purpose of division and destruction of the Blackfeet People.

The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council through its commitment to betterment of the Blackfeet People, REMAIN UNITED and will not allow the Tribe to fall into past antics driven by anti-progressive hate. A few bad actors with past failed agendas will not prevent the Blackfeet Tribe’s monumental progress from continuing. That success is described in the attached report as summarized here.”

Download and View the Full Statement from the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council Here.

Download and View the Land Purchases Report Here.

Water emergency declared in Browning by Blackfeet Tribe