Election Results for Blackfeet Primary Election (June 7, 2022)

Blackfeet lifts mask mandate, opens tribal offices


Per the consensus of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council and Blackfeet Incident Commander, the Mask Mandate shall be optional on the Blackfeet Reservation pursuant to the CDC recommendations effective March 15, 2022. All tribal offices and programs will be opened to the public effective March 15, 2022. Mask wearing is recommended for those with severe immune compromised and personal choice. Please continue to be safe.


The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council has taken action to amend two areas of the Blackfeet Law and Order Code:

  1. The Blackfeet Tribal Business council acknowledges the dire need to ensure that public service are made available to address the mental health and substance abuse needs of the Blackfeet Community. In order to appropriately provide protective services, treatment resources, and public resources; while protecting the due process rights of all involved. (to address the social needs as a community) the Tribal Council enacted Resolution 131-2022; to which, passed the “Civil Commitment Code;” &
  2. The Blackfeet Tribal Business Council recognizes that the three different laws pertaining to Domestic Abuse (on the Reservation) cause confusion and hinder the overall effectiveness of ending abuse on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. To prevent that confusion, to provide victims of domestic abuse the maximum protection from abuse, and to firmly declare that domestic abuse will not be excused or tolerated, the Tribal Council enacted Resolution 147-2022; to which, passed the “Domestic Abuse Law.”

The public has 60 days to provide comments to the Blackfeet Civil Commitment Code and/or the Blackfeet Domestic Abuse Law. The comment period will end on February 15, 2021.

View or Download the “Civil Commitment Code” and/or the “Domestic Abuse Law.” A hard copy of both amendments are available at the Blackfeet Tribal Offices (front reception desk).

Please submit all comments by February 15, 2022 to:

  • Blackfeet Legal Department
    P.O. Box 849
    Browning, MT 59417

Comments also may be submitted by email on or before February 15, 2022 to blackfeetlegal@blackfeetnation.com.

FCC Applications

On November 2, 2021, The Blackfeet Tribe, applicant for a new noncommercial educational FM station on 89.7 MHz at Browning, Montana, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for a new construction permit.  Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit


On November 2, 2021, The Blackfeet Tribe, applicant for a new noncommercial educational FM station on 88.1 MHz at St. Mary, Montana, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for a new construction permit.  Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit


On November 2, 2021, The Blackfeet Tribe, applicant for a new noncommercial educational FM station on 90.7 MHz at East Glacier Park Village, Montana, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for a new construction permit.  Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit


On November 2, 2021, The Blackfeet Tribe, applicant for a new noncommercial educational FM station on 90.3 MHz at Heart Butte, Montana, filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for a new construction permit.  Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit


Official Arrangements for Chief Earl Old Person

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 2:00pm – Chief Earl Old Person will be arriving home to the Blackfeet Nation. He will be brought to the Blackfeet Tribal Conference Room Chambers where a walk through viewing will take place.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 4:00pm – Chief Earl Old Person will be escorted to the Browning High School Gymnasium where he will lay in state until Friday.

Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 7:00pm – Special Church Service

Friday, October 22, 2021 at 11:00am – Funeral Service

We will update as more information becomes available.

Longtime Chief & Chairman of the Blackfeet Tribe passes away at 92


Longtime Chief & Chairman of the Blackfeet Tribe passes away at 92

Browning, MT – Earl Old Person, the longest serving elected tribal official in the U.S., passed away today at Blackfeet Community Hospital after a long battle with cancer.

Earl was elected to the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council in 1952 and served for over 60 years while serving as Chairman for over 50 years.  During this time, Earl met many dignitaries including every U.S. President since Dwight Eisenhower, the British Royal Family, the Shah of Iran, and other world leaders.

In 1978, the family of the late Jim White Calf, bestowed the hereditary chieftainship, to Earl.

Earl was an orator and leader for the Blackfeet People, the Blackfoot Confederacy, and Indian People across the United States and Canada.

“The Blackfeet People have suffered a huge loss today with the passing of Chief Old Person.  A chapter in our history has come to a close.  The Blackfeet Tribe offers prayers and support to the family of Earl at this time.”

Services are pending.


James McNeely
Public Information Officer
Blackfeet Tribe

(406) 338-3515

Latest CDC Guidelines for Quarantine and Isolation

Here are the latest CDC guidelines for Quarantine and Isolation.

You quarantine when you might have been exposed to the virus.

You isolate when you have been infected with the virus, even if you don’t have symptoms.

For Unvaccinated People:

  • Quarantine:  
    • Quarantine if you have been in close contact (within 6 feet of someone for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period) with someone who has COVID-19, unless you have been fully vaccinated. People who are fully vaccinated do NOT need to quarantine after contact with someone who had COVID-19 unless they have symptoms. However, fully vaccinated people should get tested 3-5 days after their exposure, even if they don’t have symptoms and wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until their test result is negative.
  • What To Do:
    • Stay home for 14 days after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19.
    • Watch for fever (100.4◦F), cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19.
    • If possible, stay away from people you live with, especially people who are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19.
  • After Quarantine: 
    • Watch for symptoms until 14 days after exposure.
    • If you have symptoms, immediately self-isolate and contact your local public health authority or healthcare provider.
  • You may be able to shorten your quarantine.
    • Your local public health authorities make the final decisions about how long quarantine should last, based on local conditions and needs. Follow the recommendations of your local public health department if you need to quarantine. 
    • Options they will consider include stopping quarantine
      • After day 10 without testing
      • After day 7 after receiving a negative test result (test must occur on day 5 or later)

Fully Vaccinated people: 

  • Recommendations for Isolation, Quarantine and Testing
    • The following recommendations apply to non-healthcare settings. Guidance for residents and staff of healthcare settings can be found in the Updated Healthcare Infection Prevention Control Recommendations in Response to COVID-19 Vaccination.
  • Fully vaccinated people with COVID-19 symptoms
    • Although the risk that fully vaccinated people could become infected with COVID-19 is low, any fully vaccinated person who experiences symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should isolate themselves from others, be clinically evaluated for COVID-19, and tested for SARS-CoV-2 if indicated. The symptomatic fully vaccinated person should inform their healthcare provider of their vaccination status at the time of presentation to care.
  • Fully vaccinated people with no COVID-like symptoms following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19
    • Fully vaccinated people who have come into close contact with someone with COVID-19 should be tested 3-5 days following the date of their exposure and wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test result. They should be isolated if they test positive. Fully vaccinated people who live in a household with someone who is immunosuppressed, at increased risk of severe disease, or unvaccinated (including children <12 years of age) could also consider masking at home for 14 days following a known exposure or until they receive a negative test result. Most fully vaccinated people with no COVID-like symptoms do not need to quarantine or be restricted from work following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, if they follow the testing and masking recommendation above.
    • Fully vaccinated people should monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days following an exposure.
  • Fully vaccinated people with no COVID-19-like symptoms and no known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19
    • It is recommended that fully vaccinated people with no COVID-19-like symptoms and no known exposure should be exempted from routine screening testing programs, if feasible.

Blackfeet reissues COVID-19 mandates as cases rise on Reservation


The Blackfeet Reservation is currently experiencing an increased number of COVID-19 cases at this time.

The following orders are issued by the Blackfeet Incident Command Team:

1. A mandatory mask mandate for the Blackfeet Reservation effective immediately. All businesses and individuals shall be notified.

2. All Blackfeet Tribal Offices shall be closed to the public until further notice. Tribal Employees will report to work on Wednesday, August 18, 2021. Business may be handled via phone, email, fax, or appointment.

The Blackfeet Reservation is not on lockdown.

Anyone traveling out of town is encouraged to wear a mask and follow CDC recommendations.

These orders are effective immediately and shall remain in effect until further notice and are put in place in the best interest of the Blackfeet Reservation.

Search for Leo Wagner will be scaled back, Blackfeet Fish & Wildlife will continue search

PRESS RELEASE – SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2021 – 1:30 P.M.

Browning, MT – The search & recovery efforts for 26 year old Leo Wagner will begin to be scaled back on Monday, May 10, 2021, according to Incident Commander KWebb Galbreath.

Blackfeet Fish & Wildlife will continue to search the area.

Leo has been missing since April 27, 2021 and had been last seen near the St. Mary/Babb area on the Blackfeet Reservation.

Search & Rescue teams along with law enforcement agencies have been assisting with the recovery.

James McNeely, Public Information Officer
(406) 338-3513

Blackfeet Clean-Up Week – May 10-17



Blackfeet Solid Waste Free Dumping Hours

  • Monday to Friday – 8:30 am to 5 pm
  • Saturday and Sunday – 9:30 am to 4:30 pm

Outlying Communities

  • Monday: Babb 2 Cans
  • Tuesday: Seville 2 Cans
  • Wednesday: HB 2 Cans
  • Thursday: East Glacier & Blackfoot 2 Cans
  • Friday: Starr School 2 Cans

For questions call (406) 338-5702